Re: LZ: Re: $4 serial link prob
Re: LZ: Re: $4 serial link prob
Here's your daily laugh, folks.
On Sat, 28 Sep 1996, Andrew Haninger wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Sep 1996 crusader@MO.NET wrote:
> yeah, yeah, yeah, you may brag about only spending 4 bucks, but look at
> what you've gotta do! ckecking wires, zeners(whatever the hell those are).
It took me about 10 minutes to build the cable. I've never had to fix it
or do anything with it since. Since you don't even know what a zener
diode is, you are obviously not qualified to give an opinion on this
matter in the first place.
> Hey, you get what you pay for. you spent $4, i spent $50. look at the
> numbers and, if your **REALLY** confused, just make this proggy on your calc.
Yeah, I spent 4$, which is 8% of the 50 you spent for yours. And mine
works just as good as yours, and is easier to fix if it gets broken.
> :ClLCD
> :50->X
> :4->Y
> :If X>Y:Goto S
> :If X<Y:Goto G
> :Lbl S
> :Outpt(1,1,"Shitty":Goto Q
> :Lbl G
> :Outpt(1,1,"Good Quality! Way to go!":Goto Q
> :Lbl Q
> :ClLCD
Next, you can learn how to write TI-Basic. I can't even figure out what
point this was trying to bring across. You're not teaching classes in
BASIC, are you?
> i'll make it. send it through my $50 worth of pc<--->calc linking
> capabilities and you can run in through your $4 worth of phone wires,
> 2.5mm sanded plugs and duct tape
Let's clarify the description of my well-made 4 buck link. Phone wires?
No. Genuine TI plug and cable, yes. 2.5mm sanded plug, obviously no.
Duct tape, no. Quality soldering work, yes. I have a feeling you're
just mad because you tried to build a 4 buck link with phone wires, 2.5mm
sanded plugs, and duct tape and it didn't work. That's a BIG surprise.
Especially if you don't know what a zener diode is.
Tell you what, Mr. Haninger: Learn basic electronics before you try to
give advice about it on this mailing list. If you can prove to me that
your 50 buck link works better than my 4 buck one (haha) then I will send
you a check for the difference (46$). (Just don't plan your budget
hoping for the 46$ you're never ever going to get).
> > Better yet, why doesn't he just fix his homemade cable so it works like
> > everyone else's and then he'll laugh at you for paying 50 bucks for a
> > cable that he made for 4 bucks.
> >
> > Hint to the person with the faulty link: Something is pulling the signal
> > to ground, check all the wires, etc. and make sure nothing is shorting.
> > If you're using a non-ti 2.5mm plug that is the most likely problem. If
> > the voltages are wrong (i.e. not in the area of 5v) then you probably
> > have the zeners reversed.
> >
> > Note to Andrew Haninger: Ha Ha! I built a link for 4 bucks and you paid 50!
> >
> > On Sat, 28 Sep 1996, Andrew Haninger wrote:
> >
> > > well, just spend another $4 on making a new one and when that one slows
> > > down again, make an new one. by about the 14-15th one, you will have spent
> > > the same amount as just calling 1-800-TICARES(do they REALLY?) and buying
> > > a, my, just buy a graph link, you don't have to worry
> > > about any short ciurcuting and of that does happen, you can blame them for
> > > faulty wiring.