Re: LZ: power off


Re: LZ: power off

Ilkka Neuvonen wrote:
> > > > just use this routine to turn off yer calc(it will turn back on when you
> > > > press [ON])
> > > >       ld a, 1b
> > > >       out (3), a
> > > >       di
> > > >       halt
> > > >       ei
> > > >       ld a, 1011b
> > > >       out (3), a
> > >
> > > Hmm... But that won't get the calc into low-power mode, now does it? I'm
> > > not sure though, what it dows, but the name kinda hints, that the
> > > batteries will last longer.... ;) (and then I could leave the calc off my
> > > own way for a longer time...)
> > >
> > with the HALT instruction, the processor stops and waits for [ON] to be
> > pressed. also nobody asked how to put it into low power mode.
> > PCoMP
> Well, actually it doesn't (well.. didn't work on _my_ ti, with the di
> instruction (so the "on-button interrupt" is probably maskable...)...
> but my original question was how to turn the power off _the way TI does
> it_... And I _do_ suppose this includes turning to low-power mode... If
> it doesn't then what's the point of a low-power mode?
that questions is similar to the ti-92 question: "what is the point of
being able to have an extra 128kb of memory when there is no place to
put it?" Basically ti put it there because that is a feature that they
might include in a future version but since they are no longer updating
the 85 it might never be used(that is just my theory though)
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