Re: LZ: Weird Trick...


Re: LZ: Weird Trick...

On Tue, 24 Sep 1996, Eric Linenberg wrote:

> On Mon, 23 Sep 1996 15:56:36 -0500, you wrote:
> >John Yuschak wrote:
> >> 
> >> Hey everybody,
> >> 
> >> I just want a bit of your time to try out this trick (or bug). Tell me if it works (I hope it does). Do these steps:
> >> 
> >> 1) Take a shell program you will use. We'll use "Hexview".
> >> 2) Go into the Strings menu, and find out the length. In this case, 299.
> >> 3) Type in this to look at the file: "sub(hexview,1,299)"
> >> 4) A line of junk will appear at the next line. This is the file it self. Push left and right to scroll.
> >> 5) Now the string is also stored as "Ans"
> >> 6) Go into the ZShell menu, and BAM! One program looks just like the other, except instead of reading "Hexview", it reads "Ans"!
> >> 
> >> I think this is because the variable "Ans" contains the same value as "Hexview". But isn't "Ans" a different TYPE of variable? Thanx for your time.
> >> 
> >>
> >that is just because Ans has what is in Hexview in it because you did
> >the sub(hexview,1,299) and ZShell looks for any and all ZShell strings
> >regardless of what their verible name is. also you could have typed in
> >just hexview at the home screen and it would have done the same thing.
> >PCoMP
> you can go 
> hexview->A
> hexview->B
> and now A and B will be in the zshell menu

Or you could probably use the +, -, and sub commands to install cheats in 

> Eric Linenberg
> for information on EVERYBODY from High School go to
> im that kid in the corner all fucked up and i wanna so im gonna 
> take a piece of the pie why not im not quittin think im gonna change
> up my style just to fit in
> -Beastie Boys

                     *           Daniel Knapp           *
                     *       FeatherWate Software       *
                     *     email:     *
                     *                                  *
                     *      Whose account this is,      *
                     *         I think I know.          *
                     * The sysop is in Berkely, though. *
                     * She will not see me typing here, *
                     *        To watch this Mac         *
                     *          Refuse to go.           *
