Re: LZ: Re: RAM I/O Expander


Re: LZ: Re: RAM I/O Expander

-*-calculating if we could add 8 megs of memory and a modem. Even if it did go
-*-at 300 bytes per sec, why do you need all that speed?? If you keep all the
-*-needed progs in the TI memory, then it won't matter. I would just use the
-*-expansion for backup and stuff like that. Even at 300 bytes per sec, it
-*-would still be relatively quick considering that most of the programs are
-*-only about 3k any ways. So anyways, lets see if it works, then critique it,
-*-not critique it before we see it.

	I heard that the Z80 can only handle like 128k and no more or
something, maybe I was thinking about only 32k at a time...  But 8mb?
Wow, we could run OS/2 on the calculator :) :) :)

-/- Bill -/-

| 	     SysOp of Skeletons from the Closet, 7i7-585-40i8
|    -/- Eagle Scout - '95, Brotherhood Member Lowwapaneu Lodge 191 -/- 
|  -/- '96 Pennsylvania YMCA East-West Champion, 100yd Back - :53.94 -/-
