Re: LZ: Enough.
At 08:35 PM 9/10/96 -0500, you wrote:
> This list is getting out of hand. In one hour today i received over
>30 messages of which barely any were informational and on-topic. I'm not
>trying to flame anyone here, but somthing needs to be done. I want to
>request that everyone here take some responsibility and only post things
>that are
>1) on topic
>2) informational
>3) not part of some gigantic ongoing thread
>4) NOT flames
>5) more than just >blah blah blah blah
> I agree.
>6)not somthing that is easily accessible from some other means
>7)NOT advertisements
>8)NOT anything that is addressing only one or a few people
>Many of the messages on the list have no place being sent to that many
>people. They are PRIVATE E-mail. If you want to send it to a few people
>who are interested in a project or somthing use the carbon copy line of your
>mailer and update the list when you actually have somthing to announce to a
>crowd of people. I don't appreciate 500 messages in my box after I haven't
>read my mail in a couple days. I don't want to be some kind of e-mail
>preacher, but this list is for our use and we shouldn't abuse it like this.
>If I were Magnus I'd shit my pants.
>PS: If you actually comprehended this then you won't reply to the list and
>make it a huge thread because you will know that I was wrong in posting it
>since it's off topic so you will send me flames over private E-mail.
Oh well, but I am replying here because I think some people actually read
these gigantic threads. If you don't want to read a message, don't read it!
This list would be empty if not for some of these threads. Take a look and
count the messages that are actually on topic.
I am sure that this was addressed to me and a few others in particular.
Well, if you haven't noticed, as we continue in our threads, there are many
other people who suddenly pop in with a comment or suggestion.
Please don't take this as a flame (as I would have sent that to your private
email), but your message pissed me off a bit.
-- Scott Rein