Re: LZ: cassette tapes


Re: LZ: cassette tapes

At 10:34 PM 9/10/96 -0400, you wrote:
>ok. ok. ok. i think i'm the one who started this whole string. all i'm
>think ing about is:
>ok, here ya'll go, i'll put up my idea:
>1. you make a bu of your calc
>2. you run it through a program on your pc that will convert it to a wav
>file. preferably mono 8bit so those of us with an old sb can also do this. 
>3. you record the file onto a tape recorder. this would be done by making
>a link to go from the speaker port in your sb to the mic on the recorder.
>essentially just a wire with two "headphone" plugs on either end.
>4. you get an adapter from RShack for $3.00 and play the tape into your calc.
>5. you have a prog. on your calc that's checking the port and receiving
>the blips of sound  and converting it to 0s and 1s and putting it in ram. 
>6. the prog. is loaded and you're on your merry way
>see, no fancy wiring. all simple...   simple, simple simple. (well, except
>for the conversion program<G>) kinda simple kinda simple.........

I think I found a problem with that:  The way the link port works is
actually not that simple.  I am no expert, but I think it works on two wires
which are bidirectional.  I don't think you can just "play" it back into the

What about when it says WARNING, MEMORY BACKUP???  It is waiting for you to
press continue which then sends a signal back to the sending calculator
which starts the transfer.

I don't even know if the link port will accept _sound_ being sent back into
it. Would the program convert those beeps and blips to the correct
electronic pattern?  I am not so sure.

--	Scott Rein

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