Re: LZ: Compression program
Re: LZ: Compression program
On Sat, 7 Sep 1996 wrote:
> Now, you take the files and transmit them to your calculator. ZShell looks
> for them and displays them in menu format, like usual.
> Now, when you press enter to run a ZShell program, ZShell automatically
> decompresses and deletes. Then it runs the program. When you exit back to
> ZShell, it recompresses it.
> Does that work?
I have some funny feeling after my "gee, how do I see more than 8
programs?" question, I'm gonna get reamed out for setting foot into
the list again, especially with this comment..
What about real time compression/decompression?
(before you bite my head off, I'm not an idiot, I know this
is tough stuff, not a piece of cake,. and I know that it would add
alot of size to Zshell)..
Seriously. I see and udnerstand most people's complaints
about a unzip/zip senerio. You still need A> room in ram to decompress,
B> room in ram for unzip/zip, which.. in 28K I don't think would be
worth it.
But what's the feasability (sp?) of having the zshell
have a compressed file format, so zshell intercepts the file, translates
it on the go and feeds it to the cpu?
(but then again, would it have to decompress the whole thing,
or would it be possible to then itnercept the cpu trying to go
to a different location in teh program, then send that bit over?)