Re: LZ: Zilog literature
Re: LZ: Zilog literature
In article <Pine.BSI.3.95.960831222148.10318A-
100000@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM>, barrym <> writes
>On Sat, 31 Aug 1996, Richard Guy wrote:
>> I received 2 books from Zilog UK today, the Product Specifications
>> Databook and the User's Manual. I wanted the Technical Manual instead of
>> the Product Spec. book. Is the Technical Manual useful? On the Zilog WWW
>> page, it says Z280 Technical Manual. What does the 2 signify??
>The Z280 is a different cpu.
Hmm. So what's it doing under the Z80 heading for literature?? Does this
mean that there is no Z80 Technical Manual?? Just a Z280 one?? Seems a
little strange.
Richard Guy
Why does a theology professor only open one curtain in the morning..
So he has something to do in the afternoon!!!