Re: LZ: Variable Hider?
Peter Cordes wrote:
> Ben Oberkfell wrote:
> >
> > I seemed to have re-joined this list in the middle of what seems to be one
> > of those REALLY long threads that seem to drag on forever... i caught the
> > tail end of a comment regarding a "Variable Hider." Is this a real program
> > or just vaporware? I didn't even know there was a way to hide variables.
> > How is it done, and what types of variables is it capable of hiding? (And
> > the biggest question if people want to use this to hide things before a
> > test) Do the variable sizes still show upon the 2nd/Mem/RAM screen?
> >
> > /me is
> > /quit
> VH is still in the making. i just need to make up an UI and it will be
> finished so therefor i know how to do it but don't have a way to do it
> to varibles other than the one that is hard coded into VH. It will be
> able to HIDE any type of varible but at least for the first release it
> will be able to HIDE strings. I can not tell you how it is done but
> that it can only be done from within assembly(or else TI would have put
umm....the ti's ROM *was* coded in z80 assembler...
> it in to the 85's ROM) also the varible and sizes will not show up on
> the 2nd/MEM/DELETE/STRING(or ALL) and will not show up on the
> 2nd/VARS/STRING(or ALL) but the memory totals for the different varible
> type will not change(because they show the total amount of that type of
> varible. also note that ZShell will be able to find the files and
> display the program description but will not be able to show the
> program's varible name so it will just be a BLANK space.
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