Re: LZ: Promoting TI-85s and ZShell in schools


Re: LZ: Promoting TI-85s and ZShell in schools

>	I keep hearing people saying teachers are requiring these 
>graphing calculators????? Perhaps I just grew up poor (and am CONTINUING 
>this level of excellence to this very day!), and it's taken me until 
>college to get one and the only way that was, was with a scholarship, but 
>requiring a 80-100 dollar calculator??
>	This has got to be up north.. ?

I'm not sure what's going on up north but here in California, all teachers
from algerbra up recomend you to buy a graphing calculator. This is because
the teachers have a class set of calculators and thus can't lend them out to
everyone overnight to use on homework that was desgined to be done with a
graphing calculator. By the time caclus comes around, teachers STRONGLY
recomend graphing calculators because you can't take the AP test without one
and they want you to be real familiar with your calculator when you do take
it. Hope this clears something up...

Christopher DeMars --

	"Life is the ultimate paradox;
	  It looks logical on the outside
	    But, when you look closely,
	      Things make no sense..."
