Re: LZ: Promoting TI-85s and ZShell in schools


Re: LZ: Promoting TI-85s and ZShell in schools

According to "D. Switzer":
>	I keep hearing people saying teachers are requiring these 
>graphing calculators????? Perhaps I just grew up poor (and am CONTINUING 
>this level of excellence to this very day!), and it's taken me until 
>college to get one and the only way that was, was with a scholarship, but 
>requiring a 80-100 dollar calculator??
>	This has got to be up north.. ?

Hehe... the sad thing is I know a guy in another class who bought a 92 (
$200+ if I remember correctly ).  I'm now waiting for Fargo to come out so I
can set it up for him.

>(forgive the non-zshell comments.. oh wait, how about this:
> can anyone think of any way to get multiple (non i2c) chips (the same 
>exact chips) to somehow respond differently, so I can gather data from 
>multiple ones? Maybe sick, maybe because I have a piece of shit 86 
>taurus, but i'm working on various sensors for my car. I just think it 
>would be worth it to see the look on unsuspecting passenger's faces for 
>me to hop in, pull a cable out of somewhere, and plug up the 85. Plus it 
>would generally be a valuable source of info about my car, "computer 
>diagnostics" is the latest greatest thing in auto mechanics, why not a 
>cheapo version? )

I'm not sure about non-I2C, but with I2C chips just set the address
differently for each one.  The S0, S1, and S2 pins determine the address of
the chip; all three positive ( such as in Ed Plese's temp sensor ) would
make the address 111... S0 and S2 positive would make the address 101... and
so on.  When using your program, you send a start-pulse, then an 8-bit
sequence consisting of a 4-bit device type, 3-bit address, and the LSB
designating read-write mode.

>ok, now it's a zshell related message. I feel better about myself.
>(ok, another questino, slightly non-zshell, these things are now allowed
>on the psat/sat/sat2's, btu are they allowed on the act? I'm just 
>curious.. and slightly annoyed I didn't have one to use when I took these 
>tests, but oh well. <grin>)

The only one I know of not allowed on any of those tests is the 92. :(

C ya,
Ryan Myers ( )
"Canthus" or "Darren" on DARKWORLD / Twisted Fate

C> Warning: REALITY.SYS may be corrupt.  Reboot universe(y/n)?
