LZ: 15 year old, can't write decent basic prog.


LZ: 15 year old, can't write decent basic prog.

Mr Andrew Haninger,  Report card for the following TI-basic program...

:If X>Y:Goto S
:If X<Y:Goto G
:Lbl S
:Outpt(1,1,"Shitty":Goto Q
:Lbl G
:Outpt(1,1,"Good Quality! Way to go!":Goto Q
:Lbl Q

Concept                         Grade

Syntaxing...                      A+
Use Of needless  commands...      D
Needless Labels...                C
Correct use of if-then  statment  F
Correct Use of else               F
Does the Program work(theory)     A
Does the Program work(reality)    F

Sytnaxing was great!  Storing constants in variables is a waste of
processor time and memory.  You labels were not needed, and could have been
avoided.  The if-then structure is very poor, I see if's, but no then's,
and/or else's.  The program would run great, but as soon as the program
wrote the output, it would clear the screen and print the text 'DONE'.
Output was not needed, and would have produced the same results faster and
easier with the print command.  Program is not properly terminated.  Also
avoid swearing in your programs, this is a sign of immaturity.
Corrected program...

:Input "What is your age", age
:If age <= 15:Then
:Print "Please read the newsgroup 'comp.lang.basic.beginners'"
:Print "Thank you for contributing "
:Print "worth while information to this mailing list!"
:Print "Thank you for using my program"

Glad to be of help Andrew.  Any questions, you can call 1-800-TICARESBUTIDONT.

