Re: LZ: Re: $4 serial link prob


Re: LZ: Re: $4 serial link prob

-> > From: Ilkka Neuvonen <>
-> >
-> > On Sat, 28 Sep 1996, Andrew Haninger wrote:
-> >
-> > > well, just spend another $4 on making a new one and when that one
-> slows > > down again, make an new one. by about the 14-15th one, you
-> will have spent
-> > > the same amount as just calling 1-800-TICARES(do they REALLY?)
-> and buying
-> > > a, my, just buy a graph link, you don't have
-> to worry
-> > > about any short ciurcuting and of that does happen, you can blame
-> them for
-> > > faulty wiring.
-> >
-> > And I would build a $5 parallel link. I would _never_ pay $40 (at
-> least) > for a cable I can build myself for a fraction of the
-> price... Even if it > wouldn't be so reliable...
-> Yes, and when you end up frying your calc, I bet you can easily build
-> another one yourself for a fraction of the cost ($100).  It is a
-> _far_ better idea to invest in a graphlink, or build yourself the
-> Connect85 hardware.  Both of these are more expensive to build/make,
-> but offer protecion for your calc which $4/$5 cables don't.

It is difficult to fry your calculator with the link cable.
