Re: LZ: Zshell Modem
> >> I have a graph-link, and can easyly get the other stuff, but
> >> someone going to make a ZTerm?
> >
> >Use Talk85. It does the same thing, except it's in a split-screen. It
> >would be a simple modification to get rid of the split-screen, but you
> >don't really have to.
> And it can dial the phone for you too?
Quite well, too. The intelligence of a modem is in the modem, not the
computer. The modem does the tones, the dialing, and everything, and spits
out digitial data through its RS-232 serial port. Hook up the modem to the
TI-85 and the same is still true. Just type "ATDT0116725551212"\enter in
Talk85 or Zterm or Fterm with the proper setup, and you might just get
Antarctica Directory Assistance, if such a thing existed.
Tobin Fricke