Re: LZ: Zshell Modem


Re: LZ: Zshell Modem

> Is it possible to connect a TI-85 to a modem using Talk85 as a terminal? 
Would it be 
> something as simple as soldering the 3 conductor TI cable to 2 or 3 pins
on a serial 
> cable (say Rx data and Tx data?)  I'm no electrical engineer, but I'm
curious as to 
> what would be involved...  Has anyone tried this route?

No, you can't.  For the same reason that you cannot make a link that
easily.  The TI serial port is much different from the serial port on a
PC/modem.  If you had a cable that converted between TIserial and true
happy PC RS-232, then that would work just fine with a modem if you put a
modem cable inbetween it and the modem.

Tobin Fricke
