Re: LZ: variables


Re: LZ: variables

At 06:00 PM 7/30/96 -0500, you wrote:
>On Tue, 30 Jul 1996, Eric P. Anderson wrote:
>> >Ok, I have a few questions on this one. Is there a list or some help files
>> >on these rst instructions? I have personally never used them or even known
>> >what they do. They might be in ti-ram or ti-rom.txt, but if they are I don't
>> >think that they work with roms 9.0 or above (since I have 9.0...would it
>> >even work on my calc? That does bring up a portability problem if not).
>> Instructions are dependent on the processor, not the ROM version.  All valid
>> Z80 instructions should work with any ROM version.  
>Yes, but since rst instructions are interrupts and can be vectored,
>they can do different things in different roms.

Sorry, I should have made that clear.  

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