LZ: Ti-Link <-> Ti-Net
LZ: Ti-Link <-> Ti-Net
Subject: LZ: Ti-Link <-> Ti-Net
From: James C. Lewis <jlewis@netnitco.net>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 10:16:07 -0500
In-Reply-To: <>
For anyone who cares. For anyone who might have been working on a purposed
plan for the RT-Links... They do not work.
I have completed one of them. Through testing I have found they only cause
interference on a certain frequency (mine is fixed), as long as the
anntenneas are touching.
We are working on ways to make them work, however Michael Jan is apperatenly
a fake. He neither designed working links nor is building them. I will
however, be more than happy to take that statment back if someone, other
than he can prove me wrong. He and I exchanged email quite often until I
called him a fake, and now I have heard nothing from him. I do have his
phone number AND his parent's names, so I will be calling them on Saturday.
(Cheaper phone rates).
Sorry to make it off-topic here, however I know most of the people here
wanted the RT-Links, and well, as far as my research team can tell, they do
not function.
James C. Lewis