LZ: 3 ASM questions
LZ: 3 ASM questions
Subject: LZ: 3 ASM questions
From: Carl Wang <camels@juno.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 03:45:29 PST
In-Reply-To: <>
OK, I've finally concluded that summer school pre-calc is boring (after 4
weeks). So I've decided to write some asm programs (by hand) in class.
1) I've been able to make the basic playing field (just a bunch of boxes
made by lines with Magnus's Plot point routine) and wait for enter to be
pressed. I tried adding some text like this:
[a bunch of lines being drawn}
ld hl,$140A
ld ($8333),hl
ld de, words
add hl,de
call GET_KEY
cp $9
ret z
jr key
words: .db "Press enter",0
It compiles OK, but the text looks like garbage. My screen was set to
graphics (ld a,4 then out (5),a) and everything else runs fine. I don't
know what's wrong.
2) When do I need the $ in front of a number ($564A rather than 564A)?
3) Let's say I have a picture-like thing stored as a bunch of .db $00
etc. How would I display it, for example, at location y=20, x=10?
Well, thanks for the help. I have a lot of time on my hands so if all
goes well, I should have this out by the end of summer, or the end of
October, or the end of the year...
_ _ /--
/ \/ \/ -camels@juno.com
-====== -formerly cwang@pacx.com
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