Re: LZ: WAV-->ASM?


Re: LZ: WAV-->ASM?

On Sat, 20 Jul 1996, chris porter <Erols Technical Support> wrote:

> would it be possible to write kinda a midi prog? have a bunch of sounds
> predefined, then write a sequencer? that would allow for some really good
> compression i think.. at least after the first 30 notes or so... have a
> value between 1- 40 for notes and stuff, then set up a list kinda thing that
> would address the notes individually... just an idea
> chris

I think that that would really be pushing the 85.  It was never designed
to do anything like this.  at best, maybe you could get songplay that
would make a (Small!!) wav instead of just a beep.  Don't even dream of
more than one voice...

> ps please excues spelling :)
