Re: LZ: WAV-->ASM?
Re: LZ: WAV-->ASM?
Subject: Re: LZ: WAV-->ASM?
From: Max Mansour <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 1996 01:03:50 -0400
In-Reply-To: <LZ: WAV-->ASM?>
PaNX oF DuPA wrote:
> >
> > What's up with WAV2ASM? It's a great concept - kudos to Andreas Ess for
> > writing it - but I really can't decipher any of the sounds coming through it
> > thanks to all the static... anyone have better luck? I'm not about to try
> > and incorporate it into a program, though, until it gets perfected.
> >
> welp, it worx quite fine for me (there's static but i can hear okay whatz
> playing), i wonder if batteries affect the wav2asm; another thing -- it
> would be cool to use some compression (zcp?) to reduce the size even more...
> PaNX
It wouldn't be so cool because of ZCP's speed, I think, or are the new
ZCP routines
actually fast like they claim to be (I ahven't tried them out yet)?
--Max MAnsour