LZ: Digits/ASM help...


LZ: Digits/ASM help...

shadow37@interserv.com wrote:

> >But my question is can anyone give me a good routine to print the number in
> >a register to the screen in MENU print?  I tried the one in the Jezzball
> >source code, but that didn't work exactly right for some reason...thanks!
> Like I said earlier, you should be able to do the following if the number is in

Thanks...ok, I'm almost done with my program and it will probably be posted in a 
week or so...but I'm hoping someone here would help me out.  My program is comprised
almost entirely of the commands:  ld, CALL_(), cp, jr, djnz, ret, inc, and dec.
Everything else is modified routines from ticalc.org.  It isn't massively large, but
I'm hoping I can decrease the size by learning what other functions do.  The only
functions I know are the ones in the zteach file at ticalc.org so if someone can 
let me know the usage of other commands I've seen, such as:  add, or, xor, and, pop, 
push, srl, sla, and any other useful ones, I would appriciate it.  I'm sure I'll 
need to know them with future programs...and so as not to disturb the list, please 
email me privately...thanks!


-=-=- Andy Soell -=-=-=-=- <a href="mailto:haxiem@mailhost.net">haxiem@mailhost.net</a> -=-=-=- http://www.mailhost.net/~haxiem =-=-
"Don't give me strength until I'm weak,			Andy Soell
 Don't let me wake until I dream.			"Haxiem"
 But let me thirst until I drink from the river,	haxiem@mailhost.net
 Not from a stream!"    -Mortal, "Streamrunner"		http://www.mailhost.net/~haxiem