Re: LZ: Digits routine?


Re: LZ: Digits routine?

>But my question is can anyone give me a good routine to print the number in
>a register to the screen in MENU print?  I tried the one in the Jezzball
>source code, but that didn't work exactly right for some reason...thanks!

Like I said earlier, you should be able to do the following if the number is in 

	ld	hl,$1010
	ld	(CURSOR_X),hl		;set cursor pos
	add	a,$30			;add $30 to A

	sub	$30

And I don't want anyone yelling at me for posting this to the list because I 
just came up with the routine and I haven't tested it and if it doesn't work or 
if someone sees a problem with it, they can correct me.	

Ed Plese, Jr.
