Re: LZ: Teleconferece: accel
Re: LZ: Teleconferece: accel
> >
> > Doesn't acceleration also speed up the port speed? (make it a pain to synch)
> >
> Nope. if that was true you couldent send anything to any
> non-accelerated calc over the standard TI-link. so the IO port
> regulates it at a steady 9600 bps.
The speed of the link is not regulated at 9600 bps. It is asynchronous.
What happens is when one calc wants to send a bit it pulls r or w to
ground. Then the other calc pulls the other line to ground inm
acknoledgement. Then, both calculators clear the link and go on
Therefore the speed of the link is dependant on the speed of
acknowledgement. So, the slowest calculator determines the speed,
because it acknoledges slower than a turboed calc.