Re: LZ: Teleconferece
At 12:17 AM 7/15/96 -0500, you wrote:
>I just noticed that the subject line has been misspelled since the start. :)
>>this . the entire tcp/ip protocol for you to acess all of the net is only
>>about 250k. and that is for all the gui's and things. all the ti protocol
>I though tcp/ip was a general packet protocol. Are there really gui
>portions defined in it as well?
kinda, it does use gui's and sends some data to them most of that is a dll,
but the protocol itself deals with all the packet switching and all that. it
is able to handle the millions of people who acess the net, and it does it
all in under 250k, remember the teleconfrence thing only has to support 100
max... and usually much less.
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