Re: LZ: Teleconferece


Re: LZ: Teleconferece

Eric P. Anderson wrote:

> I think that we need to create some sort of "y adapter" for the link port so
> that we can plug multiple things in at once (i.e. the rtlink and the
> speaker).  Maybe even a daisy chain type of thing, but I don't know if that
> would be possible.  I think that the IRC thing would be much more difficult
> to implement.
> Any futher input, anyone?
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I have been thining of it...
and I dont know how to program in ASM, but I do in Basic.  SO I have some understanding 
of programing, adn from what I knwo it wouldent be that hard. that is to build a program 
to run the Teleconf.  The sync'n would take soem work but wouldent be that hard to 
overcome. I also am a future Network Engineer so I know how a network runs.  and if you 
could get the program to "Listen" to what is happening on the channel you could sync the 
data quite easly. adn then you could also have the "server calc" listen to hear if ther 
are any Additional calc joining. cause on the "workstation" calcs when you initalize the 
 teleconf program they will need to wait and listen first to hear if there is a "All 
clear" signal sent out by the server (which it would ever couple times a sec adn woudl 
alow time for additional calcs to login.) so that teh workstation calcs know there is no 
data being exchanged. (this would prevent talking over and grabling data)  for this 
system to work teh server would need to send all commands out. meaning: that all the 
workstation cals would now accept info from ANY calc but the server.(so teh server would 
have a data paket that says "this form teh server" and all the other calcs would listen.

Each calc would have its own name. that will be transmited durring the login.  adn that 
is how the server calc will control all the data.  Since this si a VERY data intensive 
adn computational intensive program (server) teh person using the server calc MUST be 
accelerated. all the other calcs can run accelerated or not.  all they will be doing is 
listening and recieving.

On teh workstation side:
You will haev a list on the screen that says whos all on the network, adn then you could 
send private messages to one adn another or groups. or just everyone. BUT the person 
with the server can see every message.

On the Server side:
Ther server calc will have the power to lock people out of the group or not allow them 
to hear some stuff.

Static, adn interfearence.:
This is a problem.. btu actually its not. as I sit here typing this I am thinking...

The workstation calcs will nto be affected by interfearence in anyway but they might 
miss some info.  The static would not screw with teh sync rate because  all the 
workstations do is.. sit there and listen for a message from the server. if it is not 
properly transmited or garbled the WC (workstation clac) will just ignore it. same with 
the SC(server calc) and if you are tansmiting a message from a WC or the SC the calc 
will transmit a sorta init code to tell teh calc "I am ready to send data are you 
ready?" adn it will listen for a answer.. if there is static adn it is lost in it.. well 
 it resends it latter(couple times a second).

it si a pretty passive RF network.  these are my ideas, adn if I coupld program in ASM 
goo di sure as hell would and give it to everyone!

If you decide to take this on please E-mail me so I can give you soem more details. adn 
there will need to be 2 versions of the program 1 server and 1 workstation. or you could 
get REAL nifty and have a prompt when you start the program if you want it to be the 
server or a WS. (intigrate both programs into 1)

Well Please tell me what you think. 
                  "Everything under the sun is in tune,
                   But the sun is eclipsed by the moon"
                                      --Pink Floyd, DSOTM
