Re: LZ: RE: Putting stuff in the emulator.


Re: LZ: RE: Putting stuff in the emulator.

At 07:29 PM 7/13/96 -0400, you wrote:
>>I now have ZShell running on the emulator, thanks to a backup.bin file that
>>I got.  I want to be able to put programs I've written into the emulator.  I
>>don't have an 85, just an 82.  I have tried just pasting an .85s file into
>>an "open" area in the backup.bin file, but that doesn't seem to work.  Does
>>anyone know how I can find the proper place to put the .85s file in and then
>>what format it must be in?  BTW, I have the zs1.img and zs2.img files but
>>they won't work, any help on both of these problems would be appreciated.
>Hey could I have that backup.bin file...

Certainly.  I am emailing it to both you and list-zshell-binaries (I'm not
sure if you're subscribed to it or not.  If you are, you'll get two copies).

>I have successfully pasted in a string file to a backup.bin file what you
need to do >is make a string in the emulator the same size as the *.85s file
minus the header >length(I've included a file that will tell you the
size)then you simply copy the 85s >file minus the header into the backup.bin
file in the appropriate spot and it should > may have to do trial
and error to find the exact location of the string in >the emulator.  I hope
this helps you a little.

Great!  I tried this, but I was unsuccessful because I didn't know I had to
strip a header off of the .85s file.  I'm planning to buy an 85 real soon
and now I'll be able to test some programs I've been working on before I get
it.  Thanks again.  


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