Re: LZ: link question
Chris Porter <> wrote:
> ok, i baught *the real* graph link, (from lack of intelligence i
> guess... Mr booser) any way.. on several of the computers where i have put
> it, on <a few of my friends have them> it will not work, i have tried
> everything, the only thing that works is taking the mouse out and pluging
> the link in. in fact, a guy came in to the place i work today with the same
> problem. i thought that it was just a windows 3.11 problem, untill that guy
> came in and was running 95. even though here at work , all the computers on
> the network are able to use the mouse and the link at the same time. is the
> problem that, on a 2 port card (a small slot and a large slot) in the same
> comport, it cant be done, or are the irq and other configurations wrong, how
> did you guys fix it up? also would it be possible to get another serial port
> or what? please help.. tanx
> cbporter
Well, I actually pity the person who bought the link from Texas
Instrumemts, but anyway... Use setup85.exe, it is on their homepage...
Also, if that is not the problem, buy a link from me, and return theres
as defective!