Re: LZ: TASM questions...


Re: LZ: TASM questions...

Keith Batten wrote:

>> OK, bear with me here....
>> I'm learning asm or z80 or whatever it's called and I want to try to compile
>> what I have's nothing worth having yet, but I want to make sure
>> I'm doing it right...
>> I downloaded TASM301.ZIP from and MAKE85S.BAT as well and tried to
>> comile it, but it gave me a lot of "Bad command or filenames"s and STRING85.COM
>> said it couldn't open the file...I want to make sure I understand this...I'm supposed
>> to save the code as *.asm, right?  If someone is willing to help me out here,
>> you can email me privately, so as not to bother the list... thanks!
> Ok Andy, here is a batch file, much like make85s.bat only I think it is better, you need to > 
> have TASM.EXE, STRING85.COM,TASM80.TAB, and TI-85.H in the same dir
> to run my batch file, simply type...T [name on asm file minus extension]
> it handles the rest

Hey, thanks for the help, but I thought I should post and let y'all know I figured
out what the problem was...I had an old ZSHELL40.ZIP archive that didn't have 
STRING85.COM in it, and also the MAKE85S.BAT program didn't work on my system, so I
had to write a new one for myself...all is well now and my programs are compiling
nicely...I hope to have something useful released soon... 

I just unearthed some old 85 TIBasic programs
I wrote a couple years ago... if anyone wants some, just let me know...

OK...I won't stray again...promise...


"No, your wealth could never save you      Andy Soell
 Can't fill a river that's run dry         "Haxiem"
 You can't bribe a camel         
 to go through a needle's eye."  
	-Lost Dogs, "Sweet Work of Love"
