LZ: Spy Hunter Beta Testing


LZ: Spy Hunter Beta Testing

On Mon, 26 Aug 1996, SAM STAUFFER wrote:

> -> > Also, I'm currently working on a bird's eye view racing game right
> -> now > fairly reminiscent of Spy Hunter.  Is there anyone interested
> -> in beta > testing once I can get enough of it working to look
> -> somewhat okay?  It may > develop into a full-blown Spy Hunter clone
> -> if I have enough time when school > starts ( 8 days, ack!!! ;..(   )
> ->
> -> I loved that game on c64 (mostly because of the kick-ass music, but
> -> it was cool)
> -> I can't wait to check that out.
> I would like to Beta test it.

It may be a while before I've got enough done to release as beta, now that
school is starting.  But I will hopefully release part of it within the
next two weeks.  If you want to help beta-test it please mail me
personally and I will add your name to the list.

Ryan Myers
-- "One useless man is a disgrace.  Two useless men are a burden to
-- society.  Three or more useless men means Congress is in session."
