LZ: Some Interesting Stuff (Was:Thank You) (fwd)
LZ: Some Interesting Stuff (Was:Thank You) (fwd)
Subject: LZ: Some Interesting Stuff (Was:Thank You) (fwd)
From: Jingyang Xu <br00416@binghamton.edu>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 21:37:59 -0400 (EDT)
In-Reply-To: <>
Hey guys, here's some comment I got from one registeree of Asteroid 2042.
Since this kind of stuff has the same kind of reaction on a Vodka spill on
a Russian highway I thought I'd pass it on.
- Another Deep Thought by Jack Handy
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 1996 23:26:50 PST
From: Jeremy D Auten <pinwc4@juno.com>
To: br00416@binghamton.edu
Subject: Thank You.
Just thought i would thank you for making such great games, ect.
I also wondered if you had received enough money for your calculator yet.
I know some of my friends went nuts when they heard that their is
asteroids for the 85. I also wanted to ask if you had any info of a
game called WOOM? I caught some wind on it but not much. I myself do
not have Net access so it is hard for me to stay up to date and to
mention some of my ideas and inventions. I hope i am not imposing to
much on you, but i have some things that i would like to be passed on if
you would not mind. If you don't then i would understand and not hold a
grudge since i do not know you. Anyway here it goes. Right now i am
construction an 8 band infrared transceiver. I thought of doing this
after i saw the schematics for the other infrared transceiver and the
radio transceiver. I do not want to be critical to them but they were
not that great. If you used the infrared transceiver then nobody else
in the area can. Also i don't think the radio system will even work.
The coil idea of modulation for the unit is a bad idea. It means that
you have to basically tune in to your friend. I would recommend
replacing them with crystals that you could buy at a nearby hobby shop.
But back to my infrared transceiver. This would also give you control on
what band you transmit on and what band you receive on. You must not
transmit on the same frequency you receive on thought. But the best
idea i thought this could really help on is that it would give someone
the capability of writing TOKEN RING software if someone would like to.
The way this would work is the server would for example say that he is Rx
on 1 Tx on 2 then someone else would say Rx on 2 Tx on 3, then the next
person would say Rx on 3 Tx on 1, and buy having the last person Tx on
1 it would complete the ring going through channels 1, 2, and 3 giving
us a 3 person network. You can see how this could lead to some
interesting games. I have notes on some of the protocol of such a
program if you would like to have them. In reality if you could have
more than eight people but i am using DIP switches to change frequencies
on which you are transmitting and receiving so the unit would start to
get large. I am not done building it yet, but i have ran the schematics
through test and all of them prove to be positive. After finishing the
working prototype i am going to install within the case on my 85. So
that i will not have to plug it in the port when i use it only flip a
switch. All the parts can be purchased at a local radio shack. But i
never really shop their if i don't have to. I must also say that this
idea is not an original of mine, Daniel Roggen actually did most of it,
protocol wise at least. One more idea to go. It is really a close
friend of mines work. He is working on increasing his memory
internally, without having to use the port. He still needs to get into
ADM though so that he can actually install the new components. He is
buying some sort of ram that is cloned from the original in our 85. He
found some company that would do this for him. I am not sure if it was
an EEPROM chip or not but i think it is because he mentioned the use of
his EEPROM copier that he has. This is not definite though, i could be
mixing conversations. It is like what we did with our Atari computer
before we could afford to buy parts to build our own. To get more RAM
we simply piggy backed the chips. I do no understand why it worked but it did. Anyway i am sorry that i wrote such a large message to you but i
thought maybe you could pass those ideas on if you wanted to, but don't
feel obligated to do it, i will completely understand if you just delete
this message, because i am a complete stranger to you. Thanks for your
time, I hope that you do not feel that it was a waste. Also i hope that
you have your new 85 and that you keep writing such sweet games.
Thanks a lot,