[A83] Re: Diferences TI 83 - 1.08 and 1.10


[A83] Re: Diferences TI 83 - 1.08 and 1.10

Version 1.10 probably fixes some bugs, possibly the infamous expr null 
string crash bug:
crashes most TI83's and early versions of TI83+s.

Also, the hardware of 1.10 has the TI83+ style keypad and raised black LCD 
screen.  Later HW versions have a significant downgrade of the screen (blue, 
The LCD controller is slower, and you need a greater delay before sending 
bytes to the LCD screen.  The stock ionFastCopy won't work, you need to 
waste more clock cycles before writing bytes to the screen.
It also "feels" faster than 1.07.  Not sure about this though.
The font is definatly located in a different place in each rom version, so 
you can't point to the font in ROM and expect it work across rom versions.

Try MSN Messenger 6.0 with integrated webcam functionality! 
