[A83] Re: Menu display, keyhooks


[A83] Re: Menu display, keyhooks

i found a program somewhere on ti to make menus, but it was for 
applications only.

At 05:35 PM 7/23/03, you wrote:
>On the plus you can start any app you want or use mon. That will allow the 
>user to select any menu they want and you get back what token they inserted.
>On the ti83 you don't have hooks, they are ti 83 plus only
>There isn't an asm equivalent for the menu( command but you can write a 
>menu similar to that very easily. Or you can take a look at the 
>unsupported section of the ti 83 plus on ti's own site, there you can find 
>routines written by Dan Englender that simulate the interface of the os.
>On the plus you can use the memory area menucurrent.
>Hope this helps, Martin
>At 04:24 PM 7/23/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>>A few questions for a quiet group...
>>How can one display an OS menu from an ASM program and then process the
>>How are keyhooks installed?
>>Also, is there an ASM equivalent to the Menu( command, without creating a
>>BASIC program and then running it?
>>Finally, is there a way to determine from inside an interrupt program the
>>currently running menu?
>>For example on the TI-83:
>>1:Check RAM...
>>3:Clear Entries
