[A83] Re: Menu display, keyhooks
[A83] Re: Menu display, keyhooks
On the plus you can start any app you want or use mon. That will allow the
user to select any menu they want and you get back what token they inserted.
On the ti83 you don't have hooks, they are ti 83 plus only
There isn't an asm equivalent for the menu( command but you can write a
menu similar to that very easily. Or you can take a look at the unsupported
section of the ti 83 plus on ti's own site, there you can find routines
written by Dan Englender that simulate the interface of the os.
On the plus you can use the memory area menucurrent.
Hope this helps, Martin
At 04:24 PM 7/23/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>A few questions for a quiet group...
>How can one display an OS menu from an ASM program and then process the
>How are keyhooks installed?
>Also, is there an ASM equivalent to the Menu( command, without creating a
>BASIC program and then running it?
>Finally, is there a way to determine from inside an interrupt program the
>currently running menu?
>For example on the TI-83:
>1:Check RAM...
>3:Clear Entries