[A83] Re: 83p os


[A83] Re: 83p os

> I conpletely agree.  This is the point I was originally trying to make.  
> OSes impose limitations.  It's what happens.  And programmers can write
> bad code if they want to.  Not much you can do.
These limitations sort of kill the purpose of multitasking. If you are
limited to simple routines with no possibility of timing (own interrupt
handler), process management will be nothing more than a useless
overhead, and you are better of running your programs sequentially.

> As for the people sugesting having embedded scripting languages, I have
> to say that's a rediculous non-solution.
What is so ridiculous about it? It was proposed as a solution to ensure
the safety of applications. Rearranging many routines into system calls
will help the OS to decide which process needs what and how much. If you
have to handle a non-preemptive resource like a link port under use, how
would you overcome the difficulties? Disabling interrupts in your
application is rather counter-productive from the point of view of the


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