[A83] Re: libraries
[A83] Re: libraries
At 07:01 AM 3/14/02 +0100, you wrote:
> > You might be able to do OOP, provided that you built a
>complex high-level
> > interpreter and compiler, and used it only in situations
>where speed is not
> > important.
>Do not forget about memory requirements... I'm really
>convinced it is impossible to create a virtual machine on a
>low performance computer like the TI-83. It would be
>impractical anyway.
For most things, it would not increase the memory required. I'm thinking
of a different way to address memory in code, not in the actual machine
code. The idea of storing offsets from a variable pointer in a type
definition, then having a macro sort it out, makes using a structures like
prog headers more logical, and above all wasier for another guy to
read. For one person writing a program all at once, it isn't that big a
deal, b ut when you come back to code after a while this would be good.
> > A graphical solution is out of the question (rapid screen
> > updates and mouse cursors use up all the system
>resources. There is no
> > proc time left for the actual program)
>That's just another issue: how could you handle events? It
>would quite much overwhelm the system interrupt... It's not
>the graphics that is time consuming, drawing some
>rectangles is probably not the bottleneck. :)
Indeed, the keyb oard reading for the mouse cursor, and checking mouse
coordinates and click states among even a few buttons will quickly
overwhenlm the brief time between interrupts.