[A83] Re: NimbusOS
[A83] Re: NimbusOS
> Ok, then, I will gladly drop this holy war if we all agree that we can use
> whatever we want to use. I never saw you complaining when I said 'Linux'
> rather than 'Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r6 a.k.a. "potato"', and I agree with
> brandon that this is not technical documents. Perhaps if it offends you
> deeply you can make a script that seeks and destroys all - characters
The Linux comment is not relevant here. The name of the kernel is Linux,
because it was named that by Linus Torvalds. Similarly, the TI-83 is named
that because that is what TI named it.
The issue with calling it GNU/Linux was started by Richard Stallman.
Operating systems that use the Linux kernel (such as Debian) many time use
the GNU userland utilities that help make it a UNIX operating system.
Without these utilities (such as the C compiler), the kernel would not be
nearly as useful, and it could hardly be called a complete operating system.
Thus, calling it GNU/Linux makes sense, and is correct. Whether it should
be required to call it GNU/Linux is a completely different matter and one
that I will not get into here.
> 83, but use the # character behind 83 in arithmatic. Personally, I DO
> it is a good nomiculture, and I think it is quite likely YOU people who
> are doing the "I don't care, my way or high way" thing. call it what you
> want, so will we.
It is not good nomenclature, for the simple reason that it is incorrect.
There is a proper name for the calculator, and proper ways to clarify it, if
the proper name is not sufficient. The term "83-" is simply not one of
> Not meaning hostility, I just want freedom to say it either way,
You have always had the freedom to incorrectly describe things. However,
that has never made it correct.