[A83] Re: NimbusOS


[A83] Re: NimbusOS

Ok, then, I will gladly drop this holy war if we all agree that we can use 
whatever we want to use. I never saw you complaining when I said 'Linux' 
rather than 'Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r6 a.k.a. "potato"', and I agree with 
brandon that this is not technical documents. Perhaps if it offends you 
deeply you can make a script that seeks and destroys all - characters after 
83, but use the # character behind 83 in arithmatic. Personally, I DO think 
it is a good nomiculture, and I   think it is quite likely YOU people who 
are doing the "I don't care, my way or high way" thing. call it what you 
want, so will we.

Not meaning hostility, I just want freedom to say it either way,
                   Jimmy Pardey

>The name of the calculator is NOT jargon. It is a title to a product
>which has already been set in precedent as the TI-83, whether you like
>it or not. You are butchering the name of it. If you think it is jargon,
>then you are mistaken. Stop trying to defend your nomenclature and just
>say what you really want to, deep down in your heart: "I don't care what
>you think; I will do what I want." But for the rest of the world, we are
>going to call it just as it was titled years ago -- long before you
>titled it.
>Scott Dial
>AIM GeekMug : ICQ# 3608935

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