[A83] Re: VoyageT_200 [OT]
[A83] Re: VoyageT_200 [OT]
At 04:58 PM 1/10/02 +0100, you wrote:
>At 15:02 2002-01-10, you wrote:
> >I don't want to start another XP discussion, but if your computer is
> >powerful enough and if you are able to use it, XP works better than any
> >other Windows version.
>On my computer, windows 2000 works much better then XP.
>But I'm sure that if you upgrade from 98 or ME, XP feels like a giant leap.
Any particular reason? I thought that it was still the taskbar approach,
but with nicer graphics.
OT: WinMe supplies the System Restore option to fix bad things happening,
but what happens when the bad thing is system restore? I need to restore my
system to a point at which System Restore was working.