[A83] Re: Whats been happening with Hays the last week


[A83] Re: Whats been happening with Hays the last week

All I'm gonna say is that this is BS. No more. I'm sick of it.

> The last few days for Hays have been pretty busy indeed, so we would like to 
> fill you all in to keep the many fans updated.
> First of all, our court battle with the staff of Ti-World will begin next 
> week, full courtroom transcripts should be posted on our homepage daily.  
> This is turning out to be a multi-billion dollar lawsuit.
What? How idiotic are you?

> Secondly, the HC Labs division of Hays has created a messaging system for 
> use with the 'Radio Link' hardware.  This system can be used to send 
> realtime messages with up to four calcs, great for classroom assistance at 
> times when you have to be quiet in school.
> Thirdly, the Hays Games Company has begun production of 'Halo 83.'  This 
> will be a full first person shooter for the Ti83 and is expected to be an 
> instant smash hit.
> Finally, for those who say that Doorways '98 is only available for the 
> 83(-), that's because it was made before the 83+.  Our page doesnt say 
> anywhere that it is prefered by 83+ or SE users.  Check it out, you just 
> made that part up.
> Hays
> http://www.geocities.com/hayscorporation/