[A83] Re: Raycasting
[A83] Re: Raycasting
At 14:17 2001-10-12, you wrote:
>Ah. Something like raytracing. I just didn't understand the casting part.
Yes, but totally lacking any advanced lightening models mostly. (I don't
think there is any in w3d, except maybe some "ambient" light, wich is very
fast to do)
And an engine like wolfenstein, you cast in a grid with fixed size walls
and always 90 degree corners, wich also ease the calculations a lot.
You could also notice that there in wolfenstein are no floors or ceilings,
only walls.
I don't know the workings behind doom, but there is a lot of limitations
there too, to ease calculations. (cant have bridges (or more accuratly, a
room over or under another room), no sloping ceilings, stuff like that)
In quake, the 3d is "real" though.