[A83] Re: Font hooks
[A83] Re: Font hooks
I have only done this on an 83+ all that other info is
for the 83+ as well. Not sure if it will work or how
to do a custom font on the 83-.
Below is an example from a program I am writing. It
replaces the small font character '*' with a dot.
;To enable: (or else do a B_CALL)
ld hl,fonthook
in a,(6)
ld (9b9ch),hl ;start of font hook
ld (9b9eh),a ;page num font hook is on
set 5,(IY+35h) ;flag for font hook
;Then the font hook itself:
;in: a=0 if big font, a=1 if small font
; b=ascii of char to be displayed
;out: nz if display default tios bitmap
; z if display custom font then also
; hl->bitmap
db 83h
cp 0
ret nz ;don't do anything if BIG font
ld a,b
cp 2ah ;acsii of '*' 2ah
ret nz ;if any key other than '*' return
push af
push bc
ld hl,newmult
ld de,sfont_record
ld bc,8
ldir ;copy new bitmap to safe ram location
pop bc
pop af
ld hl,sfont_record ;hl->new bitmap
db 2 ;char width
db 00000000b ;bitmap right justified
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000010b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
I hope that this explains a bit. Let me know if you
want further clarification about anything.
-Andy Hochhaus
--- Ronald Teune <rtwolf@gmx.net> wrote:
> >Here is some info that Dan Englender gave me some
> time
> >ago. I hope he dosent mind me reposting it. All the
> >info is a direct copy from an email he sent me so
> make
> >sure to give him all the credit. Hope that this can
> >help you.
> >
> >(ignore the colons, this is a paste from a TI-92
> Plus)
> Is this possible on a TI-83+ too?
> And what would the custom stuff look like?
> Something like this?
> .db %00010000
> .db %00101000
> .db %01111100
> .db %01000100
> .db %01000100
> .db %01000100
> and so on for all 256 characters?
> >So Basically do something like this
> >
> >ld hl,fonthook
> >B_CALL 4fe4h
> >ret
> >
> >fonthook:
> >db 83h ;tios checks this byte always 83h
> >;do custom font hook stuff
> >cp a ;set z flag telling tios to use
> > ; custom font
> >ret
> >
> >Goodluck!
> Thanks!
> >-Andy Hochhaus
> >
> >--- Ronald Teune <rtwolf@gmx.net> wrote:
> >>
> >> ti83plus.inc:
> >> (...)
> >> localLanguage EQU 9B73h
> >> cursorHookPtr EQU 9B7Ch
> >> rawKeyHookPtr EQU 9B84h
> >> getKeyHookPtr EQU 9B88h
> >> fontHookPtr EQU 9B9Ch -->So
> there
> >> is a font hook! Probably.
> >> (...)
> >>
> >> Ronald.
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