[A83] Re: Font hooks


[A83] Re: Font hooks

>Here is some info that Dan Englender gave me some time
>ago. I hope he dosent mind me reposting it. All the
>info is a direct copy from an email he sent me so make
>sure to give him all the credit. Hope that this can
>help you.
>(ignore the colons, this is a paste from a TI-92 Plus)

Is this possible on a TI-83+ too?
And what would the custom stuff look like?
Something like this?

    .db %00010000
    .db %00101000
    .db %01111100
    .db %01000100
    .db %01000100
    .db %01000100

and so on for all 256 characters?

>So Basically do something like this
>ld hl,fonthook
>B_CALL 4fe4h
>db 83h     ;tios checks this byte always 83h
>;do custom font hook stuff
>cp a        ;set z flag telling tios to use
>             ;   custom font


>-Andy Hochhaus
>--- Ronald Teune <rtwolf@gmx.net> wrote:
>> ti83plus.inc:
>> (...)
>> localLanguage        EQU  9B73h
>> cursorHookPtr        EQU  9B7Ch
>> rawKeyHookPtr        EQU  9B84h
>> getKeyHookPtr        EQU  9B88h
>> fontHookPtr          EQU  9B9Ch        -->So there
>> is a font hook! Probably.
>> (...)
>> Ronald.
