[A83] Re: I need help with Ion programming now


[A83] Re: I need help with Ion programming now

>From: "yhean" <yhean@lycos.com>
Infact, Steve was right about the 'ret' and 'xor a'. If you just calm down, 
take a deep breath, and THINK a bit, you'll notice that just a little logic 
will solve the question.

The fact that you can put a 'xor a' when you don't use ion library calls, is 
just so that you can make the program run under TI-OS too!
infact if you run a prog from TI-OS and the first statement is 'ret' the 
program will return immediately, thus avoiding calling the NOT load ion 
library calls in which place there is random code, and if there was an 'xor 
a' instead, the call WOULD take place, and PROBABLY result in a crash!!!!

hope this made it clear...

If you don't believe me, just ask Joe Wingbermuehle, he will probably tell 

>About the 'ret', your right, here's a quote from Joe's website:
>	.nolist			;\
>	#include "ion.inc"	; \
>	.list			;  \
>#ifdef TI83P			;   \
>	.org	progstart-2	;    | Standard Ion
>	.db	$BB,$6D		;   /  Program Header
>#else				;  /
>	.org	progstart	; /
>#endif				;/
>	ret			; use xor a if libraries are not used **
>	jr	nc,start	; jump to the start
>				; of the program
>	.db	"This is the description",0
>start:	ret
> >>
>Concerning your program, the only bad thing I see, is that
>you forgot a '0' after the string...
>txt:    .db "Hey!",0
>That's it.
>  - Jean Carot
>| yhean@lycos.com        |
>| http://yhean.online.fr |
>On Mon, 12 Mar 2001 21:02:45
>  Steve Watson wrote:
> >
> >Sorry guys, but I switched to Ion developing, and so far only a couple of
> >the test programs have showed up correctly on Ion.  Can someone help me 
> >my source code?  I haven't found any problems with it, and you use xor    
> >because I didn't use any libraries.  Here's the source:
> >	.nolist
> >	#include "ion.inc"
> >	.list
> >
> >#ifdef TI83P
> >	.org	progstart-2
> >	.db	$BB,$6D
> >#else
> >	.org	progstart
> >#endif
> >	xor	a
> >	jr	nc,start
> >	.db	"Test Detect",0
> >start:
> >	bcall(_homeup)
> >	ld 	hl,txt
> >	bcall(_puts)
> >	bcall(_getkey)
> >	ret
> >txt:
> >	.db "Hey!"
> >.end
> >END
> >_________________________________________________________________
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> >
> >
> >
> >
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