[A83] Re: I need help with Ion programming now
[A83] Re: I need help with Ion programming now
About the 'ret', your right, here's a quote from Joe's website:
.nolist ;\
#include "ion.inc" ; \
.list ; \
#ifdef TI83P ; \
.org progstart-2 ; | Standard Ion
.db $BB,$6D ; / Program Header
#else ; /
.org progstart ; /
#endif ;/
ret ; use xor a if libraries are not used **
jr nc,start ; jump to the start
; of the program
.db "This is the description",0
start: ret
Concerning your program, the only bad thing I see, is that
you forgot a '0' after the string...
txt: .db "Hey!",0
That's it.
- Jean Carot
| yhean@lycos.com |
| http://yhean.online.fr |
On Mon, 12 Mar 2001 21:02:45
Steve Watson wrote:
>Sorry guys, but I switched to Ion developing, and so far only a couple of
>the test programs have showed up correctly on Ion. Can someone help me with
>my source code? I haven't found any problems with it, and you use xor a
>because I didn't use any libraries. Here's the source:
> .nolist
> #include "ion.inc"
> .list
>#ifdef TI83P
> .org progstart-2
> .db $BB,$6D
> .org progstart
> xor a
> jr nc,start
> .db "Test Detect",0
> bcall(_homeup)
> ld hl,txt
> bcall(_puts)
> bcall(_getkey)
> ret
> .db "Hey!"
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