[A83] Re: Distance RAM clearer :-)


[A83] Re: Distance RAM clearer :-)

We could do some more useful things with this routine :-)

Let's summarize: 
We have 2 input signals.
So we have 2^2 = 4 bit simple input from the linkport
Plus 2 1-signal inputs = 6 signals

The following routine should explain how to read this 2bit input.

in a,(00)
and 03h
cp 01h
jp z,_1signal
cp 02h
jp z,_2signal
jp begin

call _signal_delay
in a,(00)
and 03h
cp 01h
jp z,_1_1_signal
cp 02h
jp z,_1_2_signal
jp z,_1_0_signal

call _signal_delay
in a,(00)
and 03h
cp 01h
jp z,_2_1_signal
cp 02h
jp z,_1_0_signal

...something to define the delay between two sub-signals


now to find some use for that :-)
Perhaps some base-6 Pin code :-)

Or, some sensor-info, does someone know how to do short delays between two signals, such as [signal1 - short delay - signal2], when you press 1 button?
A simple way, that is. (I already thought of using pulse-counters and pulse-generators, but it should be much simpler)

--Peter Martijn Kuipers

> Hi
> Nothing like this existed, and it is worthless, mostly, but it's cool.
> begin:
> in a,(00)
> and 03h
> cp 01h
> jp z,C900    ;ram cleared
> cp 02h
> ret z
> jp begin
> or on-calc (83+)
> DB00
> E603
> FE01
> CA00C9
> FE02
> C8
> C3959D    ; jump to 9D95, the .org value
> Now make a button and connect it to the white (middle) pin and the earth,
> and optionally an escape button to the red (top) pin and the earth.
> I know, it's not as impressive as the PIXpander would be, or the IRlink or
> however it's called, but it's still cool.
> Bye,
>     Ronald
