A83: ionPutSprite question
A83: ionPutSprite question
Hello Everyone!
I am that new asm guy who asked the variable question. I am making a game in
asm (it's an 83+, remember that), and I am having trouble with the
ionputsprite routine. Every time I run the program and press the button to
start the game (2nd), it quits back to ion. I am sure that ionputsprite is
the problem, because when I deleted it, it didn't quit.
Here is the code for this section:
cp gleft
jr z,mvlft
cp gright
jr z,mvrght
cp gclear
jr start
ld b,6
ld hl,carx
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
ld l,(hl)
ld ix,crsprt
jp ionPutSprite ; problem here?
jr gmrun
I think it may have something to do with jr gmrun, but I am not sure. Also,
does anoyone know what the ld b,6 is for (I used falldown for a lot of
Maybe this isn't enough code to show the problem, so I included the full
source. It's short for a program, but too long for an email. It is supposed
to show a car that you can move back and forth when you start the game.
Anyway, thank you everyone.
Appreciate the help,
Nicholas Reichert
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