Re: A83: Re: Is anybody planning to release a Mario game for 83+
Re: A83: Re: Is anybody planning to release a Mario game for 83+
A little off the subject- on sqrxz did they ever fix
it so ALL the levels would be able to be played if
they were stored in the flash?
> There is Sqrxz for the TI-83. What's wrong with
> that? The source code is
> available, so if you were too lazy to write one from
> scratch, you could
> (with permission from Jimmy Mardell) modify the
> graphics, code and levels so
> that it was more Mario-ish. Although, he might get
> upset that you want to
> turn his wonderful game into another Mario clone :)
> > There are various Mario games for every TI
> calculator, but for TI-83 Plus,
> > there's no Mario game made in Asm. Does anybody
> have plans on
> > developing a Mario game? It's a real need for me.
> Every student in my
> > school uses a 83+ and people ask me about 83+
> games all the time
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