Re: A83: TI COLOR!!!!
Re: A83: TI COLOR!!!!
At 03:48 2001-02-12, you wrote:
>The t6a04 is capable of 120x64 bit displays, both ti83 and ti-83+ only have
>96x64 lcds. Would it be possible to use the extra space for storage if
>someone were really, really hungry for RAM, and not caring too much about
>frames per second? It is (sits here using pen and paper with an 83+ and an 89
>2 feet away) 192 bytes free.
I guess you could, but it would be really slow and not really worth the effort.
192 bytes isn't much, you could put that on stack instead.
The bytes are not serial either, but at the end of each line, so it is 64
blocks of 3 bytes
with really slow access times. (setx, wait, set y, wait, read, wait, read,
wait, read, wait, repeat)
If you have a program that need so much ram that saferam and stack and
allocated ram isn't enough, but you need 192 bytes more, you probably
doesn't want thoose slow access times, and can probably optimize your code
to fit thoose 192 bytes elsewhere.
Maybe it could be usefull to confuse readers of your code though :)
>Or is there some hardware hacker who could make a 120x64 display for it?
>(might look wierd on most programs)
>Has anyone looked at all of the "INVALID" bits in test mode (db1, db1, db0)?
>I am guessing that they all do something, but toshiba doesn't want people to
Someone said that the color of the lines produced where red with some
invalid bits set, and blue with other.
Doesn't really matter though, since you can't do anything usefull with
My guess is still that this is for factory test of the circuit, to see that
it works before shipping it.
Not ment to be used in any applications, therefore the very brief
explanaition of it in the docs.
Testing through the different combos is quite fast :) (there is only 8
combinations of 3 bits...)