RE: A83: TI COLOR!!!!
RE: A83: TI COLOR!!!!
> Couple of things:
> The ti-83+ uses the t6a04 display driver (same as the ti-83 and 82, and I
> wouldn't be supprised if the 73 used it as well, the 85 and 86
> wouldn't use
> it) (ti's sdk, 82-ports.txt)
> The t6a04 is capable of 120x64 bit displays, both ti83 and ti-83+
> only have
> 96x64 lcds. Would it be possible to use the extra space for storage if
> someone were really, really hungry for RAM, and not caring too much about
> frames per second? It is (sits here using pen and paper with an
> 83+ and an 89
> 2 feet away) 192 bytes free.
It could probably be used for smooth hardware scrolling (a bit like ModeX on
the PC)
> Or is there some hardware hacker who could make a 120x64 display for it?
> (might look wierd on most programs)
> Has anyone looked at all of the "INVALID" bits in test mode (db1,
> db1, db0)?
> I am guessing that they all do something, but toshiba doesn't
> want people to
> know.
I don'r think thay do something toshiba don't want us to know... i think
thay just screw up the display randomly....
> James Lancaster
> btw anyone else seen the "2 color" pong at for the 83+?
> Doesn't look like much color to me. (even in a well lighted room)
2 color: Black and white? (i havn't seen the game)