Re: A83: TI COLOR!!!!


Re: A83: TI COLOR!!!!

>At 17:47 2001-02-05, you wrote:
>>   I remember Linus creating blue lines before, I think
>>he called it his blue screen of death or something, I
>>can't remember... but try this.
>>   ld a, 1Fh
>>   out (10), a
>>   ret
>>; 3E1FD310C9
>Ah, that is "test mode select".
>shouldn't make any differece if you use 18, 1C, 1E or 1F
>please try, I do not own a ti83

This one's weird: sometimes you get one blue line
and other times there are two or more of 'em (even
with the same value in a)

>>  or if you want to do another little trick with the
>>LCD, try this
>>   ld a, 5Fh
>>   out (10), a
>>   ret
>>; 3E5FD310C9
>>   That will scoot the LCD down 32 pixels and it wraps
>>around the top.  It goes away when you power off
>>though.  Ofcourse both of these have to be done on an
>>actual calc, VTI doesn't properly emulate the LCD
>This function in the lcd driver is though very useful. Perfect for makeing
>fast vertical scroll.
>(no need to move or shift actuall data, speeding it up a lot)
>Also perfect for "screen shake" effects.
>The register in the lcd driver is called Z-address set.
>you can probably put it back by running
>if you don't want to power off :)

Hang on, I'll test this one:
result = positive


Frank Schoep
Forever For Now